Connect to Validium
Step-by-step guide to connect your wallet to Validium mainnet and devnet.
Last updated
Step-by-step guide to connect your wallet to Validium mainnet and devnet.
Last updated
You can add Validium to your MetaMask wallet using the buttons below:
Add Validium Mainnet ↗ Add Validium Devnet ↗
If you are using a different in-browser wallet, the buttons above may also work for them.
To manually add Validium as a custom network in your wallet, follow these steps:
Find the “Add Network” option in your wallet (in MetaMask, you can find this in the networks dropdown).
Click on “Add Network" and "Add network manually".
Fill in the following details for the Validium network environments:
Network Name: Validium Devnet
Chain ID: 273
Currency Symbol: VLDM
Block Explorer URL:
WebSocket URL: wss://
Coming Soon
Once you have your wallet connected to a Validium environment, you can get devnet funds from one of many devnet faucets to use with deploying your first smart contract.