
Learn how to test using Foundry for ZKsync.

For instructions on how to install foundry-zksync please refer to the Foundry Getting Started page.

foundry-zksync, a fork of Foundry, provides developers with a tailored testing framework designed specifically for ZKsync environments. Utilizing forge test --zksync, you can execute your smart contract tests efficiently. Tests are written in Solidity, and the framework is designed to recognize any contract function prefixed with test as a test case. By convention, tests are typically stored within the test/ directory and have a .t.sol extension.

For more detailed documentation related to Foundry testing please refer to the official upstream Foundry documentation.


We support cheatcodes in the test code because it is run on the EVM. We do not support them on contracts that the test creates/invokes because they run on the zkEVM. For example, creating a contract that within itself calls vm.assume is not supported, but using that call at the root level of the test is.

Writing Tests

Tests are structured as Solidity contracts, inheriting from the Forge Standard Library's Test contract for enhanced functionality, which includes basic assertions and logging:

pragma solidity 0.8.10;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract ContractBTest is Test {
    uint256 testNumber;

    function setUp() public {
        testNumber = 42;

    function test_NumberIs42() public {
        assertEq(testNumber, 42);

    function testFail_Subtract43() public {
        testNumber -= 43;

Key Concepts

  • setUp: An optional function that runs before each test, used for initializing test conditions.

  • test: Prefix for functions that are recognized as tests. These functions must either pass or revert to indicate success or failure, respectively.

  • testFail: A prefix for test functions expected to revert. If such a function does not revert, the test is considered failed.

Running Tests

To initiate your tests, use the forge test --zksync command with the --zksync flag, or incorporate vm.zkVm(true) within your tests. This command automatically locates and executes tests across your source directory.

Here's an example of executing tests in a standard project setup:

forge test --zksync

Running 2 tests for test/Counter.t.sol:CounterTest
[PASS] testFuzz_SetNumber(uint256) (runs: 256, μ: 27553, ~: 28409)
[PASS] test_Increment() (gas: 28379)
Test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 96.80ms

Filtering Tests

You can run specific tests by filtering based on the contract or test names:

forge test --match-contract CounterTest --match-test test_Increment --zksync

This command will execute only the tests within CounterTest that include test_Increment in their name.

Similarly, you can use --match-path to run tests in files that match a specific glob pattern:

forge test --match-path test/Counter.t.sol --zksync

Inverse filters are available through --no-match-contract, --no-match-test, and --no-match-path flags.

Watch Mode

To automatically re-run tests upon any file changes, use the forge test --watch --run-all --zksync command.

Last updated