Getting Started

Learn how to setup and use Foundry with your Validium project.

Basic Usage


Use forge test --zksync to run tests written for your smart contracts.

For an overview of how to write tests using foundry-zksync please refer to Foundry testing here.

Deploying Smart Contracts with forge

Compilation with forge build --zksync

forge build --zksync is used for compiling smart contracts into Validium VM bytecode. The compiled files are stored in a structured directory at <PROJECT-ROOT>/zkout/.


forge build [OPTIONS] --zksync


To get the list of all build options run:

forge build --help

Besides standard options from original Foundry, there are Validium specific set of options:

  • --zk-startup[=<ENABLE_ZKVM_AT_STARTUP>] Enable zkEVM at startup.

  • --zk-compile[=<COMPILE_FOR_ZKVM>] Compile for zkEVM.

  • --zk-solc-path <ZK_SOLC_PATH> Solc compiler path to use when compiling with zksolc.

  • --zk-enable-eravm-extensions[=<ENABLE_ERAVM_EXTENSIONS>] Enable the system contract compilation mode.

  • --zk-force-evmla[=<FORCE_EVMLA>] Forcibly switch to the EVM legacy assembly pipeline.

  • --zk-llvm-options <LLVM_OPTIONS> ZkSolc extra LLVM options.

  • --zk-fallback-oz[=<FALLBACK_OZ>] Try to recompile with -Oz if the bytecode is too large.

  • --zk-detect-missing-libraries Detect missing libraries, instead of erroring.

  • -O, --zk-optimizer-mode <LEVEL> Set the LLVM optimization parameter -O[0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | s | z]. Use 3 for best performance and z for minimal size.

  • --zk-optimizer Enables optimizations.

  • --zk-avoid-contracts <AVOID_CONTRACTS> Contracts to avoid compiling on Validium.


Compile with default settings or specify zksolc version:

forge build --zksync

Deployment with forge create --zksync


forge create <CONTRACT> [OPTIONS] --zksync

The following commands make use of Foundry keystore instead of private keys. Learn how to create a foundry keystore.

forge create --zksync deploys smart contracts to Validium.


forge create <CONTRACT> [OPTIONS] --rpc-url <RPC-URL> --chain <CHAIN-ID> --account myKeystore --sender <KEYSTORE_ADDRESS> --zksync

Options: To get the list of all create options run:

forge create --help

Examples: Deploy Greeter.sol to ZKsync Sepolia Testnet:

Click to view the `Greeter.sol` contract
//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Greeter {
    string private greeting;

    constructor(string memory _greeting) {
        greeting = _greeting;

    function greet() public view returns (string memory) {
        return greeting;

    function setGreeting(string memory _greeting) public {
        greeting = _greeting;
forge create src/Greeter.sol:Greeter --constructor-args "Hello ZKsync" --account myKeystore --sender <KEYSTORE_ADDRESS> --rpc-url --chain 300 --zksync

Deploying Factory Contracts

To deploy contracts like GreeterFactory.sol, use the --zk-enable-eravm-extensions flag.

Click to view the `GreeterFactory.sol` contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "./Greeter.sol";

contract Factory {
    Greeter[] public GreeterArray;

    function CreateNewGreeter(string memory _greeting) public {
        Greeter greeter = new Greeter(_greeting);

    function gfSetter(uint256 _greeterIndex, string memory _greeting) public {

    function gfGetter(uint256 _greeterIndex) public view returns (string memory) {
        return Greeter(address(GreeterArray[_greeterIndex])).greet();

Compile GreeterFactory.sol:

forge build --zk-enable-eravm-extensions --zksync

Deploy GreeterFactory.sol:

forge create src/GreeterFactory.sol:Factory --factory-deps src/Greeter.sol:Greeter --account myKeystore --sender <KEYSTORE_ADDRESS> --rpc-url --chain 300 --zksync

Deploy Greeter.sol via GreeterFactory.sol:

cast send <FACTORY_ADDRESS> "CreateNewGreeter(string)" "ZKsync Rules"  --account myKeystore --sender <KEYSTORE_ADDRESS> --rpc-url --chain 300

Interact with Greeter.sol

cast call <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> "greet()(string)" --rpc-url --chain 300



To decode the output to a readable string:

cast to-ascii  0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c7a6b53796e632052756c65730000000000000000000000000000000000000000


ZKsync Rules

Basic Validium Chain Interactions with cast


This guide introduces you to fundamental interactions within the ZKsync chain using cast, a component of the foundry-zksync toolkit. Learn how to query chain IDs, retrieve client versions, check L2 ETH balances, obtain gas prices, and more.


cast <subcommand>

Chain ID Retrieval

  • Local Node: Retrieve the Chain ID for a local Validium node with:

    cast chain-id --rpc-url http://localhost:3050

    Expected Output: 270, indicating the Chain ID of your local Validium node.

  • Validium Sepolia Testnet: For the ZKsync Sepolia Testnet, use:

    cast chain-id --rpc-url

    Expected Output: 300, the Chain ID for the Validium Sepolia Testnet.

Client Version Information

Knowing the client version is vital for compatibility checks and debugging:

cast client --rpc-url

Expected Output: ZKsync/v2.0, denoting the client version.

L2 Balance Check

Verify the Layer 2 (L2) balance of an account:

cast balance 0x8b1d48a69ACEbC6eb201e2F4d162A002203Bfe8E --rpc-url

Expected Output: A numerical value, e.g., 774909739323110932, representing the account's L2 balance.

Current Gas Price

Fetch the current gas price on the network for transaction cost estimations:

cast gas-price --rpc-url

Expected Output: A value such as 100000000, indicating the current gas price.

Latest Block Details

Gain insights into the latest block on the Validium chain:

cast block latest --rpc-url

Expected Output: Detailed information about the latest block, including base fee per gas, gas limit, block hash, and more.

Sending Transactions

Initiate transactions, such as contract function calls, using cast:

cast send <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> <FUNCTION_SIGNATURE> <ARGUMENTS> --rpc-url <RPC-URL> --account myKeystore --sender <KEYSTORE_ADDRESS> --chain <CHAIN-ID>


cast send 0xe34E488C1B0Fb372Cc4a5d39219261A5a6fc7996 "setGreeting(string)" "Hello, Validium!" --rpc-url --account myKeystore --sender <KEYSTORE_ADDRESS> --chain 300

This command calls the setGreeting function of a contract, updating the greeting to "Hello, Validium!".


If you're having an issues creating Foundry Validium project, please check out list of issues in foundry-zksync github issues page or reach out to us by creating a GitHub discussion.

Last updated